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WFUNA'S TRAINING AT THE UNITED NATIONS: KOREA In partnership with Hope to the Future Association
New York
미국 뉴욕 프로그램 일정
Understanding how the UN system works to achieve sustainability and end poverty
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The UN at New York Sustainable Development Peace and Security Global Issues You and the UN
  1. Welcome and Orientation
  2. We the Peoples
  3. UN System in New York
  4. Welcome Lunch
  5. Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
  6. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN
  1. Development Design Activity with Avenues School – Presentations and Discussion
  2. Organs of the United Nations
  3. Business and the UN: UN Global Compact
  1. Guided Tour of the United Nations Offices at New York
  2. Department of Political Affairs
  3. Group Activity
  4. United Nations Peacekeeping
  5. Human Rights Group Discussion/Activity
  1. Environmental Sustainability
  2. Group Activity: Environmental Debate Simulation
  3. UN and Humanitarian Activities
  4. Final Project Preparation
  1. TP Final Test
  2. Final Project Presentations
  3. Debriefing and Conclusion
  4. Certificate Ceremony

Day 1: The UN in New York

  • Objectives: Understand how the UN system operates in New York
  • What is the UN system? What are the 5 principal organs of the UN and how do they function?
  • How does the UN system in New York coordinate with the global network?
  • Lecture: How does the UN system work to bring about global change? Exercise: Critical thinking and role play. Introduction to group project

Day 2: The UN and Global Governance

  • Overview of the Day
  • Objectives: Work through the group project and understand how the UN functions in global governance
  • Understand how a mission operates and how their priorities affect their work

Day 3: The UN and Development

  • Overview of the Day
  • Objectives: How does the UN actually do development work? Understanding how policy is formed
  • Policy in Action: the MDGs and Post-2015 discussion (working with either UNDP or UNDPI for a briefing for high school students)
  • Lunch – Recap on the mission visit. What did they learn? Why does a member state have different priorities from a UN agency or a civil society organization?
  • Climate change and how it affects the post-2015 discussion
  • How does international security relate to sustainable development?

Day 4: The UN's Work in the Field

  • Overview of the Day
  • Mission Briefing
  • Testimonial/Briefing on peacekeeping
  • Human Rights briefing
  • How does security and human rights work in the field actually impact and address sustainable development? Vice-versa?
  • Group project continued

Day 5: You and the UN

  • Group Photo
  • UN Careers Briefing
  • Lunch with WFUNA Secretariat
  • Project management exercise – what is a project that can be carried out at home in Korea and how would you begin? (May also have this session on Tuesday)
  • Student presentations
  • Evaluation, discussion, and certificate

UN본부 교육 외 일정 중 주요 일정

  • MIT 대학교 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 프린스턴 대학교 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 하버드 대학교 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 예일 대학교 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 메트로폴리탄 미술관 관람
  • 자연사 박물관 관람(우주의 탄생 등 스페셜 체험 관람 포함)
  • 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 라이온킹 관람(단, 공연물은 현지 사정에 의해 변동될 수 있음)
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WFUNA'S TRAINING AT THE UNITED NATIONS: KOREA In partnership with Hope to the Future Association
스위스 제네바 프로그램 일정
Understanding how the UN system works to achieve sustainability and end poverty
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Welcome Activities Human Rights Humanitarian Affairs ICRC UN Career Development
  • Welcome Remarks and Program Introduction
  • Guided tour of the United Nations Office at Geneva
  • A Review of the UN Human Rights System
  • The UN Human Rights Council Advisory Commitee Case Study
  • Introduction to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • Implementation of UNHCR activities in the field
  • International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
  • ICRC Museum Visit
  • You and the UN - Internships Expectations and Reality
  • United Nations SWOT
  • Analysis Interactive Session
UN in Geneva Disarmament Environment Nuclear Research You and the UN
  • Overview of the United Nations and the UN Offices at Geneva
  • Briefing from the Permanent Mission of Korea
  • The UN Institute for Disarmament Research Nuclear Disarmament Debate Session
  • The United Nations Environment Program
  • Post 2015 and the Environment Interactive Session
  • CERN Nuclear Research
  • The world's largest particle physics laboratory
  • Universe of particles Exhibition
  • Team Final Presentation on SDGs
  • Debriefing and Conclusion
  • Award Ceremony

Day 1

  • Welcome Remarks and Program Introduction
  • Guided tour of the United Nations Office at Geneva
  • Overview of the United Nations and the UN Offices at Geneva
  • Briefing from the Permanent Mission of Korea

Day 2

  • A Review of the UN Human Rights System
  • The UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Case Study
  • The UN Institute for Disarmament Research
  • Nuclear Disarmament Debate Session

Day 3

  • Introduction to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • Implementation of UNHCR activities in the field
  • The United Nations Environment Program
  • Post 2015 and the Environment Interactive Session

Day 4

  • International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
  • ICRC Museum Visit
  • CERN Nuclear Research
  • The world's largest particle physics laboratory
  • Universe of particles Exhibition

Day 5

  • You and the UN
  • Discussion with UN Interns
  • United Nations SWOT
  • Analysis Interactive Session
  • Team Final Presentation on SDGs
  • Debriefing and Conclusion
  • Award Ceremony

UN본부 교육 외 일정 중 주요 일정

  • 옥스퍼드 대학 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 캠브릿지 대학 방문 및 선배와의 간담회
  • 영국 문화 탐방: 대영박물관, 웨스트민스터사원, 국회의사당, 빅벤 등 탐방
  • 스위스 문화 탐방: 카펠교, 빈사의 사자상, 필라투스 등 탐방

