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제21 유엔 전문가 교육 Day 6

조회 : 489, 등록일 : 2023/08/22 12:52
제21기 유엔 전문가 교육 6일차 소식 알려드립니다.

8월 9일에는 주유엔그리스대표부 방문, 유엔 본부 전문가 강연 2세션, 7일차 발표회를 위한 준비로 일정이 진행되었습니다.

첫 순서로 주유엔그리스대표부를 방문하여 한국과 그리스의 관계, 유엔 내 그리스의 위상 등에 대해 배웠습니다. 특히 이번에 유엔 안보리 비상임이사국에 진출한 한국과, 다음 진출을 계획하는 그리스에 대한 이야기를 들을 수 있었고, 두 국가와 같은 중견국이 어떻게 유엔에서 영향력을 펼칠 수 있는지 알 수 있었습니다.

Hello. We would like to share updates from the sixth day of the 21st Training Program (TP) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

On August 9th, the day was filled with a visit to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN, two expert lectures at the UN Headquarters, and preparation for the presentations planned for the last day.

At a visit to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN, students learned about the relationship between the Republic of Korea and Greece, Greece's position within the UN, and the narratives surrounding Korea's current entry into the UN Security Council as an elected member for 2024-2025, as well as Greece's plans for future participation in 2025-2026. This offered insights into how mid-sized countries like Korea and Greece can wield influence within the UN.

다음으로는 스크리닝을 거치고 유엔 본부에 입장했습니다. 먼저 UN DGC의 Felipe Queipo Rego 강연자님의 강연을 들었습니다. UN의 Communications Officer로서 효과적인 프로모션 및 아웃리칭에 대해서 배울 수 있었습니다. 자신의 개성을 홍보하고 의사소통하는 것이 중요해진 요즘이기에 학생들은 적극적으로 질문을 던졌습니다.

At the Headquarters, students attended a lecture by Felipe Queipo Rego from UN DGC. As a Communications Officer, he shed light on effective promotion and outreach strategies from the perspectives of diverse stakeholders. Given the increasing significance of promoting one's individuality and effective communication, students actively participated and posed questions.

이후 UN DGACM의 Gerard Tuii Anapu 강연자님께 SDG 14에 대해 배웠습니다. 평소에 자세히 접하기는 어려운 주제인 SDG 14 Life below water인 만큼 새로운 지표와 현실을 알 수 있었습니다. 특히 강연자님은 현 유엔 총회 펠로우십 프로그램 담당자로서, 청소년의 실천이 중요한 분야들을 알려주셨습니다. 학생들은 열심히 필기하고 질문하며 강연을 자신의 것으로 체화하였습니다.

Next, Gerard Tuii Anapu from UN DGACM delivered a lecture on SDG 14: Life below Water. The lecture provided new metrics and real-world insights based on the speaker's fellowship duration. Particularly noteworthy was the speaker's role as the current Fellowship Program Coordinator at the UN General Assembly, where he highlighted areas where youth engagement is crucial.

세 개의 강연에 열정적으로 참여한 학생들을 위해 한인타운에서 자율적으로 저녁식사를 하였습니다.학생들은 스스로 팀을 구성하여 LA 갈비, 마라탕, 칼국수 등 원하는 음식을 먹었습니다.

To celebrate the students' enthusiastic participation in the three lectures, they had a self-organized dinner in Korea Town in Fort Lee. Students formed their own groups, enjoyed various cuisines, and organized a final preparation for the SDGs group presentation.

(Englsih Translation)

On August 9th, the day was filled with a visit to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN, two expert lectures at the UN Headquarters, and preparation for the presentations planned for the last day.

At a visit to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN, students learned about the relationship between the Republic of Korea and Greece, Greece's position within the UN, and the narratives surrounding Korea's current entry into the UN Security Council as an elected member for 2024-2025, as well as Greece's plans for future participation in 2025-2026. This offered insights into how mid-sized countries like Korea and Greece can wield influence within the UN.

At the Headquarters, students attended a lecture by Felipe Queipo Rego from UN DGC. As a Communications Officer, he shed light on effective promotion and outreach strategies from the perspectives of diverse stakeholders. Given the increasing significance of promoting one's individuality and effective communication, students actively participated and posed questions.

Next, Gerard Tuii Anapu from UN DGACM delivered a lecture on SDG 14: Life below Water. The lecture provided new metrics and real-world insights based on the speaker's fellowship duration. Particularly noteworthy was the speaker's role as the current Fellowship Program Coordinator at the UN General Assembly, where he highlighted areas where youth engagement is crucial.

[Note: The translation provided is a summarized version of the original text.]

 글수 458Page 1 / 46
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